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An unnamed correspondent from Big Creek in Logan County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on April 17, 1922:

Mr. B.D. Toney and J.B. Toney, of Big Creek, have been attending circuit court at Hamlin this week.

Baby Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McComas, has been very ill since last Saturday with broncho-pneumonia.

Alvie Purkey, who had been ill with appendicitis, died Wednesday, March 29. He was operated on at a local hospital at Huntington, after which pneumonia fever developed.

A banquet was given after the lodge meeting at the K. of P. hall Wednesday night.

Mrs. Rachel Spry, of Atenville, has been very ill with pneumonia fever, but is now very much improved.

Dr. D.P. Crockett, of Big Creek, was in Logan Thursday. Dr. Crockett has been ill for several days having had an appointment at the C&O hospital at Huntington for abscess of frontal sinus.