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An unknown correspondent from Whirlwind in Logan County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on October 29, 1926:

Roses on my shoulders, slippers on my feet.

I am a lonely damsel from Whirlwind. Don’t you think me sweet?

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradshaw of Logan are visiting friends of Hoover.

Major Adams and son Howard made a flying trip to Logan Monday.

Anthony Blair of Mud Fork is visiting friends here for a few days.

David Dingess made a flying trip to Logan Friday.

John Haynes was calling on Miss Thelma Dingess Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dingess were the guests of Mrs. David Dingess Sunday.

Mrs. Mollie Mullins of Mud Fork returned home Sunday after a two week visit here.

Miss Olve Adams was the guest of Mrs. Robert Dingess Thursday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mason Adams, a fine boy.

Misses Inez and Lucy Dingess were shopping in Whirlwind the latter part of the week.

Everette and Gillis Adams passed through Whirlwind Monday in their Flint enroute to Logan.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kinser, twin girls.

Sunday school is progressing nicely on Trace, with three teachers, Mrs. Alice Dingess, Mrs. Major Adams, and Mr. Rush Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Sol Adams made a business trip to Logan Monday.

Buster Blair visits the post office too often. Say, Buster. Has she written you yet?

We are listening for the wedding bells to ring on Trace, especially on the Jonas Branch.

Wonder why Maudie looks so lonesome these days? Cheer up, Maudie. Maybe he won’t forsake you.

Wonder why Tom Workman visits grandma’s so often these days?

Cecil Brumfield has purchased a new car.