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An unknown local correspondent from Estep in Logan County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on April 30, 1926:

Mrs. Eliza Pauley, honored and aged lady of East End, was visiting her nephew Mr. Robert Chapman, of this place Saturday and Sunday.

Frank Chapman of Estep was a pleasant caller in East End last Saturday and Sunday. Wonder if Frank saw his sweetie up there?

Frond Estep of Ellis Fork made a business trip to the city of Big Creek one day last week.

Two of the oldest men in our vicinity, Uncle Dyke Garrett of Curry and Mr. William Berry of Estep, attended the funeral services of Mr. Joe Vickers at the family burial ground at Needmore last Wednesday April 28th.

Wonder if Mr. Arnold Thomas of Estep ever visited a “girlie” in town who is ill with measles. Better go to see her Arnold. Chances are she’ll forget you.

Mrs. Frank Harmon and daughter Mrs. William Pauley of East End attended the funeral services at Needmore last Wednesday morning.

Miss Clara Harmon of Banco and Mrs. Mary Hager and Mrs. J.A. Stone, also of Banco, were calling on Mrs. Rosa Ellis of Needmore one day last week.

Mrs. Charlotte Chapman of this place left for Logan last MOnday where she will stay with her sister Mrs. C.C. Richardson for a few weeks.

It is rumored there are going to be some weddings in Banco, but they haven’t anything on this town for we are expecting to hear the chimes of wedding bells here soon.

The sheiks of our town are wandering idly. Wonder if they are looking for dears?

Good luck to the Banner and all the readers of this community.