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An unknown local correspondent from Estep in Logan County, West Virginia, offered the following items, which the Logan Banner printed on April 16, 1926:

The school at this place closed last Saturday with a spelling contest and candy breaking. All reported an enjoyable day.

Ted Hager of Banco was a pleasant caller at J.W. Thomas’ of this place last Sunday.

Johnie Roberts of Mud was seen driving through this town last Monday evening with a load of furniture.

Mrs. P.D. Bradbury, who has been ill for some time, died at her home at Big Creek last Saturday at 12 noon. Her remains were brought to her old home near this place for interment. I.J. Elkins conducted the services.

Jess Wallen of Stone Branch was seen going through our town one day last week.

Mrs. Emma Baisden and daughters, Misses Almeda and Leva, of East End have returned from a visit with Mrs. Baisden’s daughter, Mrs. Hessel Workman of Big Creek.

Frank Chapman of East End was seen going through this place last Wednesday evening en route for Spring Dale where he will resume his old job as mule driver.

The post office at this place was moved about five hundred yards east of the old site last Tuesday. Don’t forget the place, boys and girls.

Come on Big Creek with your news items. The second item of your letter last week sure did impress us, for which we wish to congratulate the writer. We admire your motto: “Climb high though the rocks be rugged.”

Mrs. Amanda Justice of Banco was the all night guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Thomas of Estep last Sunday.

J.A. Stone of Banco was a business caller in Estep last Tuesday.

Basil Duty, the local sheik of Banco, was calling in Curry last Sunday we were informed. Wonder what the attraction is up there. Look out girls of Estep and Banco. You are going to lose Basil.